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Weights or cardio for weight loss ?

by Denice Pine

Ok , ladies this is mainly aimed at you . You are the usual suspects always running to cardio sessions neglecting weights. Here is what I hear very often, “ I don’t want muscles, I don’t want to look like a man , I don’t want to lose my glutes etc . “

Well let me help you out ! Here are some things you need to consider:

  1. Burns more calories during a session

The number of calories you burn during exercise depends on your body size and how intensely you exercise. Typically, a cardio workout burns more calories than a weight training workout of the same duration.

  1. Weight training helps your burn more calories everyday

Weight training may improve your metabolism over time, although the changes aren't huge. Also, weight training is typically more effective than cardio at increasing the number of calories you burn after a workout.

  1. Both diet and exercise are critical for long term success

Most people know that exercise and a healthy diet are essential for optimal health.

All major health organizations recommend changing both your diet and exercise routine to promote weight loss .

Commitment to the best exercise program is not enough, as you still need to pay attention to your diet if you want to optimize your progress.

Research has shown that the ideal program for long-term weight loss includes a moderate reduction in calorie intake and a good exercise program

While many people know that a healthy diet is critical for weight loss, some go too far and say that diet is the only thing that matters.

However, it’s important to realize that exercise helps too.

One scientific review including over 400 people examined the weight loss effects of diet plus exercise and compared them to the effects of dietary changes alone.

The researchers found that the combination of dietary changes plus exercise led to 20% greater weight loss than dietary changes alone after a period of 10 weeks to one year

What's more, the programs that included diet plus exercise were also more effective than diet alone at maintaining the weight loss after another year.

A healthy diet and good exercise program are two of the most critical factors for long-term weight loss success. Weight loss programs that include exercise can lead to greater weight loss and better weight maintenance over time.

So what do you choose at the end of the day ? here it is

The Bottom Line ?

Both cardio and weights can help you become healthier and more fit with a healthy diet as the cherry on top. A cardio workout burns more calories than a weight-training workout. However, your metabolism may stay elevated for longer after weights than cardio, and weight lifting is better for building muscle but it takes long before your body starts to show solid muscle especially in women. See here we said a workout for cardio ie. 1 workout sessions as opposed to a weight session which prolongs the burning process. Exciting stuff isn’t it J Back to the myths of how women don’t want to gain muscle or look like” men “ etc . Men naturally have high testosterone its their main hormone and women have high estrogen levels so the way your bodies react are totally different even after doing the same exercises . Thus, the ideal exercise program for improving body composition and health includes cardio and weights. It is best to do both.

I hope I will be seeing more ladies in the weight section after this article. Feel free to tag me on my social media to show me your work out sessions , hard work and commitment. Its December already so lets start our fitness resolutions now J

I hope this was helpful and that you will start taking care of your body needs more <3 email me or call me if you have any questions :)

Get Fit ! Eat Fit ! Keep Fit !

Remember, you can start each day fresh. Take each class like it's your last. And be kind to yourself: you've only got the one body, so help it go the distance